If you’re curious about functional medicine and natural healthcare and how it can help you, this is right page. We have resources and options available for you regardless of where you are on your health journey.
Below are a few different options to help you learn more, but before you get started, watch this brief video where I explain the foundational principle behind our approach to medicine.
Check out the articles, podcasts and videos for information on a wide range of health topics. When you’re ready to take the first step, the options below are where to start.
Self-Facilitated & Doctor-Facilitated Options
We have programs that you may study and implement on your own as well as a complete virtual functional medicine clinic where you can receive treatment from a doctor.
Learn More Below
Self-Facilitated Options

The 14 Day Reboot is our core nutrition protocol and it’s something you can learn and do all on your own and see amazing results! Like the name says, it’s two weeks long and focuses on very specific nutrtients to help the body detox, rebuild healthy cells and rebalance hormones.
There is also an education element to the program that’s critically important to understand. If I had to choose one thing to start with when it comes to natural healthcare or functional medicine, this would be it.
We have 3 different options to check out below, a webinar, a book and the full program.
The Webinar
Just want a 14 Day Reboot intro?
This recording of Dr. Serrano’s live webinar explains the basic principles behind The 14 Day Reboot and gives an overview of the process. It’s a great way to get introduce yourself to our concept of healthcare.
The Webinar
Just want a 14 Day Reboot intro?
This recording of Dr. Serrano’s live webinar explains the basic principles behind The 14 Day Reboot and gives an overview of the process. It’s a great way to get introduce yourself to our concept of healthcare.

The Book
Dr. Serrano’s Amazon Bestseller is an enjoyable read that also lays out the core principles of our approach to healthcare and details the 14 Day Reboot process and lifestyle.
It includes worksheets and bonus tools to give you the resources you need to discover how to build health on your own.
You can order a copy for free (just pay for shipping) by clicking the button below.
The Masterclass + Supplements
Ready to jump right in?
The 14 Day Reboot Masterclass + Supplement Bundle is everything you want.
In the Masterclass, Dr. Serrano explains everything you need to know and then takes you into his own kitchen to show you exactly what to.
The nutritional supplement bundle includes all of the recommended supplements to use during the reboot. These are medical-grade products that you can’t get off the shelf at health-food store.
This our most powerful self-directed program and it’s as close to working directly with the doctor as we could get.

The Masterclass + Supplements
Ready to jump right in?
The 14 Day Reboot Masterclass + Supplement Bundle is everything you want.
In the Masterclass, Dr. Serrano explains everything you need to know and then takes you into his own kitchen to show you exactly what to.
The nutritional supplement bundle includes all of the recommended supplements to use during the reboot. These are medical-grade products that you can’t get off the shelf at health-food store.
This our most powerful self-directed program and it’s as close to working directly with the doctor as we could get.
Doctor-Facilitated Options
We offer a complete virtual functional medicine clinic that’s very similar to visiting our offices, except we’ll meet via webcam.
We conduct specialized labwork that, in most cases, can be done in your home and shipped to the lab. The type of testing we do is different than traditional medical tests. Traditional testing seeks to diagnose a condition; our type of testing seeks to discover the root cause of conditions. I’ve discussed the difference at length in this article if you’d like to read more, CLICK HERE.
Once we identify the root cause, we can implement a treatment protocol to help the body heal naturally and our team will be there to instruct and guide you.
If you’re interested in working directly with us, you can schedule a complimentary evaluation call to discuss your situation and see if we’re a fit. Click the button below to learn more.