What is Cancer?

It’s the word that no one ever wants to hear, the word that can strike fear immediately into your mind. Most of us can think of someone in our family or circle or friends who has had to battle cancer. But what if we told you that there are lifestyle habits you...
Diabetes Revealed: Top 10 Questions

Diabetes Revealed: Top 10 Questions

Diabetes is an epidemic that is spreading through our country, destroying our health and damaging our economy. The CDC states that by 2050 1 in 3 Americans will have Type 2 Diabetes. When you go online to find information and resources I was shocked at what I found....
Text Neck and Slouching

Text Neck and Slouching

Yes, Text Neck is a real thing! And I am sure many of you can hear your grandparents right now saying, “Sit up straight!” Or, “Don’t slouch at the dinner table!” Well to be honest, they were on to something.  This is a new term and a new diagnosis that is happening,...

Thyroid Health = Life Health

Today we are discussing the importance of the thyroid gland and thyroid health. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that lies in front of your neck. The thyroid is responsible for making hormones that regulate the way the body uses energy. Over 90% of Americans...